
Daie Page

Journey of Daie :

Sheikh Deedat continues to preach Islam, maintain and defend Islam and argue and author. between his service in the mission is:

Founded Salam Institute to train missionaries, and the International Centre in Bandar Dakwah Islamiyah (Durban), South Africa.

Author More than twenty books, including the famous:

The Choice (Choice) in the series.
Are Bible Revelation of God?
Miracles of the Qur'an's Best
Jesus In Islam
Arab and Israel, or the Clash of Understanding
The question of the Crucifixion of Jesus
and other works were printed legion-million to be distributed free of charge, while the debate was partly printed. He has delivered thousands of lectures all over the world ... He once said: "If given the chance to me by the supplier, then I will fill the world with Islamic books, especially books Meaning of the Qur'an in the English language".

He was awarded the Al-Malik Faisal International in 1986 as an appreciation of the magnitude and given the rank of "Ustad".

How Muslim can promotes the dakwah towards non- muslim? How it can be done if we dont have enough knowledge about it? We can see on how Ahmad Deedat debate against all the random question from the Christian leader. Ahmad Deedat is the one who is really mannered in ways to send the message of Islam. At the beginning of the shaykh’s debate with Floyd Clark, which was entitled “Was Christ Crucified?”, the Shaykh stated his sound belief in the Messiah (peace be upon him) by quoting the verses from Soorat al-Nisa’, then he began to use their evidence to establish proof against them and prove their beliefs false.

In that debate he said:

As for the Muslims, the matter is settled: the Messiah was not killed or crucified. This is a point on which the Muslims do not disagree, but the Christians’ belief is based on an assumption, but they did not kill him for sure.

And he said:

We will prove that the Messiah did not die on the cross as the Christians claim because he was not crucified at all. That is from their books, as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Say (O Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), Produce your proof” [al-Baqarah 2:111].

He said: Whatever the case, he was not killed or crucified, that is according to the Book of Allaah.

At the beginning of his debate with Robert Douglas, which was entitled “Crucifixion of Christ is it true or false?” the Shaykh (may Allaah have mercy on him) stated his belief in accordance with the Holy Qur’aan.

He said:

This means that these people – i.e., the Jews – believe that Jesus claimed to be a Prophet, and they killed him to get rid of him, but Allaah told them that they had not killed him or crucified him, rather it appeared so to them. They did not kill him or crucify him but it seemed to them that they had done so, and they thought that they had done so, but they did not kill or crucify the Messiah.
And he said: “but they killed him not” [al-Nisa’ 4:157] because it is certain that they did not kill him. This is how the Muslims clarify the confusion surrounding the crucifixion and killing of the Messiah, which is that they did not crucify him or kill him, but this is what they thought that they had done. This is what we Muslims believe. 

The other ways to introduce Dakwah towards non- Muslim is the first step is to emphasize tawhid, the belief in the Oneness of Allah. The principle of tawhids (associating others with Allah). It should be emphasized to them that we in Islam hold Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him) in great esteem and honor. We believe in him. But, at the same time, we must say that he was a human being, not God or the son of God. God has not sons, daughters, brothers or sisters. God is God and there is none like Him. No human being was or is God, and God does not take the form of humans or animals. If tawhid becomes clear to their minds then it will be easy for them to accept other aspects of Islam.
In short, those who call others to Islam should make use of the following tips:

1) The one who intends to call others to Islam should practice Islam in the right way.

2) The da`iyah should be thoughtful. He should not say, while trying to call a Christian to Islam.”Don't be a hypocrite and not follow what you want to do. For example: how would it look if you tell people that Muslims can't  drink alcohol and then they see you drinking.

Another messages of Islam through the video of Dr. Zakir Naid :

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